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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2013

View What Causes Weak Bladder In Males PNG

View What Causes Weak Bladder In Males PNG . People with oab also complain of having to go to the bathroom. Weak bladder is a common term to denote two urinary disorders, either urinary incontinence or frequent urination. human system from Without diagnostic evaluation, the cause of underactive bladder is unclear, as there are multiple possible causes. In males, an enlarged prostate can put additional pressure on the bladder, resulting in distended bladder. Webmd explains the signs that indicate if you have bladder cancer, the blood eventually comes back. People with weak bladder have little control over their own bladder, therefore causes the leakage. In this case, the excretory storage organ is comparatively large it involves the involuntary leakage of urine that causes great embarrassment for the victim. It is held in place by pelvic muscles in the lower part of y